What is a web designer?
Web designers are responsible for creating the website concept. This might include the colour scheme, logo, layout and infographic content. They would tell the web developer what will go on the website, and where all the components will go.1
What is a web developer?
A web developer takes a web design and programmes a website by writing code using a language that the computer understands, such as Python or HTML.1
What do web designers do?
Web designers may start from scratch or be redesigning a website. Key things they consider are functionality, while also maintaining the aesthetics for the user. They do this by meeting with clients to discuss and understand exactly what the client is trying to portray and assemble the layout and features ensuring they are easy to use, while also being visually appealing to the user.2
What do web developers do?
Web developers are responsible for writing and maintaining the code that instructs the website what to do, and how the website will be laid out, in a way that isn’t difficult for the user to navigate. Web developers can work in teams, with each person focussing on a different area and collaborating to create the website with the client’s needs in mind.3
Why would you hire a web designer?
You may decide to hire a web designer to help promote your business concept through visuals, as the website will be the first point of contact between the potential client and your business. To stand out from the crowd, your business needs to look appealing to the viewer. A professional website designer will understand your target clientele and ensure that your website is communicating what you are trying to offer, which can increase the likelihood of purchase of your product or service.4
Why would you hire a web developer?
Web developers turn the visuals into a fully functioning website, tested on multiple types of devices and browsers ensuring that the website is running smoothly and efficiently. They can fix any bugs you may have or design a website for you completely from scratch. A web developer can add new features using the newest technology and increase traffic to your website.5
Difference in skills
So, in summary, the difference between web designers and web developers is that web designers deal with the creative, visual and graphical aspects of your website, ensuring that the website is aesthetically appealing to your target clientele, whereas web developers deal with the functionality of the website, ensuring that the website is optimised and running efficiently by creating and maintain the code.
1By Laura M. – Senior Editor. (2021). What Is A Web Developer: Understanding What Is Web Development. Available: https://www.bitdegree.org/tutorials/what-is-a-web-developer/. Last accessed 10th Sep, 2021.
2Career Explorer. (Anon). What does a web designer do?. Available: https://www.careerexplorer.com/careers/web-designer/. Last accessed 10th Sep, 2021.
3Career Explorer. (Anon). What does a web developer do?. Available: https://www.careerexplorer.com/careers/web-developer/. Last accessed 10th Sep, 2021.
4Ali Dino. (2018). 4 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Professional Web Design Agency. Available: https://chowdhurysdigital.com/4-reasons-hire-professional-web-design-agency/. Last accessed 10th Sep, 2021.
5Holly . (2018). What is a web developer? And why should you hire one?. Available: https://hollypryce.com/web-developer/. Last accessed 10th Sep, 2021.